HKU Advanced Robotics Initiatives HKU Engineering HKU Advanced Robotics Iniatives

Research Team

DRC Team at HKU

Research Team at HKU
Team HKU” comprises of a group of researchers, from both inside and outside the Faculty, to undertake this interdisciplinary research project, including:

• Professor Wyatt Newman, Hung Hing Ying Distinguished Visiting Professor in Science and Technology, The University of Hong Kong. He has experience with prior DARPA competitions and also served as the leader of “Team Case” in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge (involving autonomous vehicles)
• Professional programmers from the Emerging Technologies Institute
• Research Assistants, PhD and MSc students from HKU
• Collaborators from: Case Western Reserve University, Tokyo Opensource Robotics Kyokai Association (TORK), and University of Edinburgh

The project is organized around 4 primary technical areas: human/machine interfaces; whole-body motion; perception; and manipulation. In addition, computer services will support all 4 technical areas.

Team HKU uses the version 4 of Atlas robot developed by the Boston Dynamics Incorporation and fits it with other components developed in other laboratories. The anatomy of Atlas is shown here.


HKU Advanced Robotics Laboratory

Address: LG01, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong